Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years later: Remembering 9/11

Below posted is the HBO special documentary film for the 10 year anniversary for 9/11. What are some of your thoughts and stories on that day?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Video Crack Vault!!!

Could You Live In A Dumpster?...He Does!

We all know and love to hate our public dumpster, right? Below is a man who converted a "dumpster"...YES "dumpster" into his home. Talk about the basics of life. However I cannot lie, this is shockingly impressive, therefore its being put into the "Video Crack Vault". Check it out

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Coming Soon...

Top 10 artist turned actors that made it in Hollywood!!!

Who are some of your favorites???

Rihanna "Battleship" Her 1st feature film

Ms. Rihanna 'Robyn Fenty' will be make her big screen debut in the feature film "Battleship". A very promising role for her, this is no secret that its been a long time desire for Rihanna to break into the 'hollywood' movie scene.

Check out the exclusive interview and behind the scenes video *VIA* 'Read More'*

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tweets that ROCK...

How many times do you need to get hurt before you realize it's time to let go? ~~~  

A really good question asked someone via twitter...But really who can say what the true answer is is. In my opinion ; twice, however for the ones I truly love often at my greatest regret use a '3 strikes, your out' approach. What about you?

*Coming up next: Top 10 celebrity heartbreaks/break-ups that should have been avoided. [Any suggestions?]