Sunday, August 28, 2011

Elizabeth Rose Session: Commitment, a story of common sense

The other day I was tweeting on a issue involving 'impostor' men and the women who deal with them. To clarify what I mean by 'impostor men', simply a grown man who lacks the actually skills and integrity of a 'real' man. Here is my story: So there is a guy. He is handsome and charming. Seems to do everything right. Lets call him Ray. After dating for 2 years Amber, A young lady 10 years younger than Ray, she gets pregnant. Sadly enough Ray isn't very happy. He may be in his 30s but kids was never part of his plan nor did it fit into his dream lifestyle of bars, girls, and gambling. Ray's first reaction is to have Amber schedule an abortion, all expenses paid of course by him. Ray is quit familiar with this routine. At first Amber is like yeah, he is right. Im only 24 and unemployed. What would I do with a baby? Amber has always trusted that Ray was much wiser and knew what was best being that he is so much older.

Amber giving it great thought decided not to opt for the easy choice and decided she was having her baby. As expected Ray stopped coming around, the phone calls slowed down dramatically. Ray was pissed. "I told this bitch I didn't want no damn kids when we first met, how could she be so selfish and do this to me. How will I explain this to my wife"? 

Amber went through her pregnancy alone with the emotional support of her friends and mother. You see a few months in to the pregnancy Amber had texted Ray informing him of how low down he was and that never in a million years would she ever want to bring a life into this world knowing it was apart of him and that he should do the universe a favor and kill himself. She was 8 months along now and things were a bit harder without any financial means to even purchases food. So she decided to call Ray, he was cool, asked how she had been and what she was up to now not knowing she still was pregnant. Amber responded with, "I'm fine, and your son is good as well. He will be here within the next 4 weeks. However I need some cash so that I can purchase him a few things . Hello?". "Are you still there"? 

His heart stopped, chest muscles began to feel so tight. Ray couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it. A bullet he thought he had dodged just came back only to hit him in the ass. There were a million ways he could have responded but he only decided on one. Ray responded with ".................

{check back later to find out what Ray said, What do you think his first response should be? What would you say if you had been Ray or even Amber. Was there a better way she could have handled the situation?}

*Follow Elizabeth Rose on Twitter @ cotton_candyluv

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